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myOtaku.com: Caprice

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Well I got all of the info and rules, and such put up for the Otakubowl. Thank you to those who have given me nominations. I'm still in the process of getting more. I need 16 nominations for each category. Of course I believe I have exceeded that already in a couple of categories. Though, I will also consider more for those categories. The final 16 contenders for each category will be narrowed down to the most popular ones nominated. If at any time in the nominations process I need help deciding on a contender, I'll ask you. Also, I have not necessarily made your nominations official because I have had a few that may need to be revised. And in the nomination process there has been some confusion.

So, to clear things up. I am asking for nominations in the following categories:

-Anime Series Old (before 2000)

-Anime Series New (2000 to present)

-Anime/Video Game based movie (any movie that is based on an anime or video game)


-Video Game

And could you please specify the categories for your nominations. This can get confusing at times if there is a title that is in more than one category. For example, Final Fantasy VII. Well, I would automatically assume you meant the video game, even though there is Advent Children the movie. If you want both, let me know. Be as specific as possible. If you aren't sure if a certain anime is old or new, let me know. I either will know, or can find out. And one more thing. Please only give me 5 nominations total. Not per category, but total. Atleast for now. Since I'm only having 16 contenders in each category, I'd like to have as many people as possible get their nominations in. If I am having a hard time getting the 16 nominations for a particular category, I'll let you guys know so I can get more. But for now, just give me no more than five nominations. Those five nominations can be a combination of any of the five categories. For example, my nominations are:

1. Trigun (anime series old generation)
2. Rurouni Kenshin (anime series old generation)
3. Gungrave (anime series new generation)
4. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (anime/video game movie)
5. The Legend of Dragoon (video game)

I hope this clears things up. So, if you already gave me nominations, and changed your mind about your previous ones, go ahead and give me new ones if you'd like. I will only record the most recent ones you give me.
And until I receive all of the nominations I need for each of the categories to compete, the competitions will not begin. I will announce when I have all of the contenders needed and the competitions begin with a list of all of the competitors. Also, I will announce the match ups for each day.
If there is anything I have left out, or unclear to you, between this post and the information I have above, let me know.

Other than getting this thing planned out, not much has been going on in my life. The temps here have dropped and it's been getting downright cold, and it's supposed to just keep getting colder. Anyone out there in a warmer climate want to trade places for awhile? ^_^

Oh, there is one more thing I've been wanting to mention. I ran across a really great artist here on otaku that I felt needs a mention. Her name is santoryumaster. If you enjoy looking at some great fan art, take a look at hers. Or if you like Zolo from One Piece, you already have one thing in common with her. ^_^

Well, that's all for now. Take care everyone.

Catcha later...

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