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myOtaku.com: blackwings

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 03/23/04:

Silver Dragon
You are a silver dragon. The rarest kind of dragon.
YOu are noble yet avoid humans as much as
possible. You are the guardian of the
defensless and you rule the skies.

Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!)
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Result Posted on 03/22/04:

Seto look down
100% Seto's Sera: you're just like me! That's
pretty scary. Seto Kaiba is the man for you,
nobody else will do. When Tea yelled at Seto
for being mean, you got pissed. When Pegasus
stole Seto's soul, you screamed and cried. When
Seto declared Battle City officially open, you
cackled right along with him. He is Seto and
you are Sera. You two should be joined at the

Are you the match made for Seto Kaiba? 20 questions long
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Result Posted on 03/22/04:

Seto Kaiba's your ideal guy! Oh man, he's HOT! He's
determined and rather cold to most people. But
once you break through that hard shell he's
really very sweet. He's rich, he owns his own
corporation and he probably could afford to buy
the whole resturant ... but oh well! He was
nice and let other people dine there too! He's
very classy and knows what he wants. Congrats!

????? What Yu-Gi-Oh! Guy is Best for You ?????
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Result Posted on 03/22/04:

Your Yami Bakura's soulmate! Your a special lady!
He will come around and demand of you when ever
he feels like it and will get murderously
jealous at the thought of you hanging around
any guys for too long. He wants a female who is
strong and is intelligent enough to know just
what he wants...and how to give it to him. Your
intuitiveness will help you understand that
love doesn't come easy for him and that he'll
probebly never say it. He will protect you
fiercely for you belong to him. But he will
also shower you with...rough affection and
lavish gifts if given half a chance.

Your yu-gi-oh soulmate is waiting! (Girls only sorry)
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Result Posted on 03/20/04:

The Earthy
The Earthy! You are a determined, self-caring
person. You need to lighten up a little about
life and your social problems. If you are a
little unsure about a problem, you normally
just wing it. You love the oceanic appearance
of the water, and love romance and courage.

What Clow Card are you? (Card Captor Sakura)
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Result Posted on 03/18/04:

Nameless Character
A nameless character, someone lost behind the mask,
another type of main character...you are
forgotten within yourself, lonely and yet
trying to comfort others who are in pain as
you. You seem to wear a mask so they cannot see
you sad, so you wear the mask to lock away the
true pain inside...but one day, you will be
able to take off the mask, and live in the

What Type Of Anime Character are you?
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Result Posted on 03/18/04:

Seto Kaiba has a crush on you! Wow, how lucky are
you? And however did you ever manage to get him
to notice you with his busy schedule and all? I
guess Mokuba is not the only person he cares

Which Yu Gi Oh character would have a crush on you? (for girls)
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Result Posted on 03/17/04:

People admire your Intellect��5{��������ny you ^^. You are hight<br>intelligent. You love riddles and to solve<br>them. You think logic and you have a great<br>creativity.
<br><br><a href= Why do people admire you?
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Result Posted on 03/17/04:

Your a Magical Angel!Out of all the angels, you are
the one most afflicted with magic. You can do
many enchantments as well as sorcery. You cant
do black magic, because even though your not so
"pure" your still an angel. A very
kind and curious one at that. Magical Angels
are always very easy-going with humans, but
intrestingly enough, like to expirement with
them with their spells.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
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Result Posted on 03/17/04:

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