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myOtaku.com: blackwings

Friday, January 4, 2008

Unfortunetly Short

Unfortunetly I have to keep things short for a while. Life decided to start the new Year off with a bang and add to my stress level. (So yeah I have several things I have to check on regularly now. *blah* I hate job hunting. Maybe I should start selling... nevermind)

I hope that your Christmas and holidays were fun and that you got alot of great stuff! (I filled out several manga and dvd collections. ^^And my friend Raynear has returned to theO!)

Till I am able to get around more regulary here are a couple pictures to amuse you.

My pretty prize from Wowie (I received my first prize!)

3rd Prize: Blackwings

Hosted By theOtaku.com.

And my recent pic of Jinna-

Spread Your Wings

Hosted By theOtaku.com.

I also finished a couple more pages of Festival. I'm trying to decide if I should finish Festival, start a different story or finish Festival and do the next part of the story.

Have fun!

1.What is your random thought of the day?

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