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Sunday, December 5, 2004

   Last Poen
that last poem was to a guy i met awhile ago, he keeps saying i'm stupid and that i'll never become anything, but i only met him online, i've never met him, how can someone online hurt me? its like...i never really knew u, so how can u hurt me? duh...u guys don't think i'm stupid or worthless...do u???
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   {poem a very angry one} Leave Me Alone
you think you've hurt me
nothing can break through the shield i have put around myself
you think your all funny
trying to hurt people
but the truth is
your just pathetic
leave me alone
i don't want to embarrass you more then i already have
don't act like you've hurt me
your just a pathetic little man
that calles everyone stupid
when you are the one that is stupid
leave me alone!

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   I'm SO bored
i'm home alone, and there is nothing to do! my parents are gone, i have no siblings living with me, i have a half sister but shes 19 years older then me, making her 33.shes old, and she has 2 kids, christina who is 16 and stephanie a.k.a little satan. last time stephanie was over at my house she kept taking my diary and then she made me carry her....ugh...evil little 9 year old...yea. and now my cat is running around the house like a moron and i think he just ran into the door...i'm surrounded...lol. i'm gonna put more poems up, but if u want to see my other ones go to http://www.poetry.com then go to search then type in Kuder then Lizzie. hope u like!
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   Hi and good morning! its 11:31 on a sunday morning.
for once i'm not in trouble. i usualy get trouble on sunday mornings for no reason, my mom always gets in bad moods saying that she doesn't have enough time off from work. anyways i didn't feel to good this morning because i was up all night helping my friend with her problems with her dad. i really want to help her, but i don't know how, i've never had any problems like that. but my parents are pretty bad as well...i'm so glad that more people found my site! thank u guys! i will go to ur sites and sign all of ur guestbooks! well thats all for now! i will be putting up poems later, bye bye!
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   Weird Dreams
i had a weird dream where i was Umi from Magic Knight Rayearth, and i finaly got away from my parents, my friend suzumi came to live with me, to get away from her dad and we got happier, and we each found happiness. yea my dreams are stupid. i wish it would happen though.
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its kinda hard to believe, but i think i might have Psychic powers. i keep seeing things, then they happen, its so weird! does anyone else have this problem???
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Searching For The Light
in the darkness
i need to find the light
searching for the light that will bring me my freedom
the light that will give me my wings so i can fly away from this place.
my own guardian angel can bring me the light
where is my guardian angel?

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{Poem} Lost In The Darkness Of My Heart
Lost in the darkness of my own heart
everytime i remember what i found
secrets are everywhere
i can't stand it.
new and horrible things are everywhere around me
there is no paradise for me
i shall never be free in this life.
somebody please help me
somebody please be my guardian angel

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Saturday, December 4, 2004

Black Wings and Black Roses
my wings are black
not because i'm a fallen angel
my wings are black from all the insults and discrimation i've been through.
i can't stand my life, nothing ever goes right
my life has been hell on earth
just by discovering something.
in my fingers, is the thorns of the black rose
the black rose from my eternal nightmare
where i was killed.
and i went to heaven
to find all my friends
waiting for me
as we were never dead.

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i have problems with my parents. thats y my last poem was about me hating them, they threw my life into hell about 4 years ago, somebody please help me.
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