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myOtaku.com: bblackdahlia

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

So much for working Tuesday :(
Ok, I didn't work Tuesday, but thanks for all of the well wishes of business!
I was pissed, I wanted to work yesterday. But because we had to take two of the boys to the doctor yesterday Blas said it wasn't even worth coming in. We got out at noon or so. That was five hours we could have been working on something at least. I mean, he could have gotten the box and amp rack done for this guys car and we could have called "hey, come get your car and pay your balance", but no. He is finishing it today. He should have ordered a bunch of stuff too; like we don't have the radio for an install we were supposed to do today. The man was cool about it, but it still is a pain to make an appointment and have it cancelled because the owner of the shop didn't take the time to get your stuff in. A friend of mine was supposed to come in today too, but we don't have the wire kit for his radio. At least he bought his radio and speakers already because we don't have much of anything in stock. Not only that, we have about six or seven amps that need to go back to Palm Beach but we can't get ahold of our guy to do it. Hell, his wife just had a baby last week so I think he should have time to rest and spend time with his baby girl,but that is just me. Just for furture reference, for those of you that are into car audio, don't get a Mmats amp if you plan to really be hard on it. At least four of those six or seven amps that have to go back. We have them all stacked behind the counter and it looks really bad on us to have all of that to be sent back for repair.
Ok, enough shop talk. I am sure you wanted to hear me do nothing but bitch about car audio. I just don't have any other outlet other than my father. And as a former business owner all he really tells me is that things will get better, and the first year will really tell you if you are going to make it or fail. Well, it has been open for a few years now. But this management hand over will really be the challenge. Why do I have to be the only one here that is good with money???
I hope all is well with everyone. And thanks for 11 hugs, lol. I am sorta happy that we took the day off. Even though half of my day was spent in the doctors office with a hyper active 7 year old and a cranky 18 month old. I felt like such a wuss. He had to get a couple shots and I had to leave the room because I couldn't stomach the needles. My arms even hurt thinking about needles. Especially the spot where I had my IV from my last dentist visit. Yeah, they can't calm me down so they have to sedate me so they can work on my mouth!
Anyway, I got pretty far in my Final Fantasy VII yesterday. I had forgotten to save some stuff last time I played apparently, and had to re-beat Gi, but it was all good. I spent like an hour and a half leveling up my characters so now they are getting pretty powerful. Then spent another hour searching for and getting robbed by Yuffie. I know there is a certain sequence you have to go through to get her on your team, but unfortunately she doesn't like what I say and takes 600 or 700 Gil from me at a time. It doesn't matter because I have so much, but it's still a pain in the ass. Now I am back to Cloud's home town and stuck in the mansion trying to get into that damn safe. I know it doesn't really matter if I get in or not, but I'd still like what's in it. I think it gives you some sort of materia to summon something if I am not mistaken. Because the last time I went through there I didn't get that and Jenova wiped my ass all over the place. If anyone has any helpful hints on how to get past that part, if you know what I am talking about, please let me know. Because I will get my ass wiped all over the place again I know it!
Ok, time to make pretty around here. It looks like a train wreck in here.
Love, peace, and chicken grease! (has anyone said that since 1997??)


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