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myOtaku.com: Bandit Joeykuba

Wednesday, June 2, 2004

  Sorry I haven't posted in forever. Don't ask why, for I have no clue.

I'm out of school. And... um... I suffered a week without my boyfriend, but he's back now.

And I'm running for president on OB. ^^ Yes, it may seem strange I'm running against DB, he being my OB hubby and all, but I have good reasons.

And I have a new system for any reviews I write. I'm writing them down in a notebook first (I write while I watch the show, just so you know), editing them, then posting them. ^^ Look at the review section to see.

REVIEWS for shows on Saturday, May 29, 2004:


Bui. What a fun name to say. Bui, Bui, Bui, Bui, BUI!

The Dragon of the Darkness Flame, in my opinion, doesn't look as spiffy now as it did on it's first appearence. Bah. Bui. ^____^ But Hiei's dragon-shaped wound/tattoo looked pretty damn cool. Bui. ^_^

Wow. Who didn't see that coming? Bui deflects the dragon back to Hiei, everyone thinks Hiei's dead, but of course he isn't. He just absorbed the dragon and now he can fuly control it.(sarcasm) Never saw it coming, nope.(/sarcasm)

"I am the dragon!" ~Hiei
Man. That qoute reminds me of that episode of My Life as a Teenage Robot. You know, I was a Preschool Drop-out. And the boy starts going 'I am the robot!' and all the students join in with 'He is the robot!' while he does the robot and Jenny starts going 'But I am the robot!' every once in a while. Can't you imagine it?:
Hiei: I am the dragon. I am the dragon.
Seiryuu: *from Spirit World* But I am the dragon!
Hiei: I am the dragon!
Kurama: He is the dragon! He is the dragon!
Seiryuu: But-but-but-but I am the dragon!
(etc., etc., etc.)

I need a life, Bui! ^_^

Remember what I said earlier about the DotDF? I take it back. Hiei's attack on Bui, where he taks the form of the dragon ('cause he is the dragon! ^_^), earns the DotDF back the spiffy-ness points it lost. Bui. ^_^

One last thing: Isn't Hiei so cute when he passes out? ^_^ I just wanna hug him, and squeeze him, (and call him George[1]) and pinch his cheeks, and hope he doesn't kill me for it. ^_^

Next Week: Kuwabara versus Elder Toguro. Promises to be interesting, only Elder Toguro's isn't as bishie as Bui. Nor is his name as fun to say. Bui! ^_^


Ah, the second episode of a two-parter. Bui. ^_^

Is it just me or does the miniture village remind you of that little town Sabrina captures Ash and company in after he loses to her[2]?

Aww... Inu-sama saw a nekkie Kagome.[3] XD And nekkie Kagome laid down beside Inu-sama. And Mini-Miroku[4] interrupted. XD Sweet, perverted, funny stuff, that it is.

Toka-whatever his name is can use rosewhip![5] AND WITH A CLUB! XDAll while lookin' like the rock-critter from the Four Saint Beasts, Genbu![6]

"And it's known to cure flesh wounds." ~Old man/flower thing
Monty Python and the Holy Grail! ("'Tis only a flesh wound!"~ Black Knight)

Damn you Kagome. Screaming 'Inuyahsa' over and over again won't save him. The sun rising and Inu-saama turning back to his half-demon form will save him. You just wait and see.


<_<; >_>;... Never Mind. Nominka (the human-face fruit tree) with three shards of the Sacred Jewel prevented him from falling. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut, getting back his demon juju prevented his arse from being absorbed. So, in a way, I was right! Bui!


Aww... Kagome and Inu-sama are fighting! How cute! SIT BOY! Bui. ^__^

Next Week: Miroku. And Sango. Perverted goodness is sure to abound. Bui. ^_^

Wolf's Rain:

'Work 'em like dogs' Ha! Aren't we so not funny? And, that's right, blame it on Zolie (the leader of the pack, vroom-vroom[7]).

O_O *drools* Kiba... has no... shirt... whoo... talk about fanservice. Almost like when they showed Joey-ness with his shirt pulled up earlier on Yu-Gi-Oh[8]. Now I just need to see Tsume without a shirt.[9] ^_______~ Bui.

Aww... Poor Lunar Flowers. They went POOF in the fire. Along with Kiba-chan's pack. Poor Kiba-chan. ^_^ Bui.

...1-2-3... CLANK! Hige is trapped! Ha! The glutton got his just deserts. No pun intended.

Hey... Does anyone else think that Hige sounds like Tai and Toboe sounds like Izzy? Anyone? Bui?

Back on topic...

"Tsume! You can put me down now! I can walk on my own!" ~Kiba
What he really means: 'Tsume! You can put me down now! I'm tired of staring at your arse! I'd rather walk!'

Eeeheehee! Run, little wolvies, run! You... must save Hige! Bui! ^_^


THEY SAVED HIM! Who didn't see it coming? C'mon. Be honest.

"I'd say it's better than being burned up with the trash!" ~Tsume
...Well, Hige, he has a good point there...

Well, the wolves are running down the tunnel... TO PARADISE! BUI[10]!!!!!!!

Next Week: ???

[1]- Loony Toons reference.
[2]- From Pokemon, you morons.
[3]- Just proof that Inuyasha will never leave Adult Swim.
[4]- Is it a flea? Is it a midget? NO! It's Mini-Miroku!
[5]- Kurama Reference.
[6]- This is what staying up late and drinking several cans of generic Cherry-Lemon Sundrop will do to ya, kids.
[7]- From an oldies song.
[8]- And, boy, is that kid fit. *drools* ^_~
[9]- Along with all the other bishies on my list...
[10]- 'Bui'count for this review: 23 (not counting the one at the beginning of this sentance... thing).

Remember: Bandit Joeykuba. President. 2004.

"Bui!" -Me

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