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Friday, April 2, 2004

   Random Announcements for the mind of an Insane Person...
...Will the real Slim Shady please report to the main office. You're mother is waiting...

...Will the owner of the truck, license number 35462719, please report to the main office. You're vehicle has been invaded by rabid gerbils...

...As a new school policy, 'making out' will no longer be permitted in the hallways. Any couples caught doing this WILL have a picture taken and an 8X10 WILL be sent to their parent or legal guardian with a note telling them about how their kids are acting in an educational facility. And that they should have a little talk. Plus, all kids may point at said couple and scream, "GET A ROOM!"...

...We have a new Solitaire champ. Mr. (insert name) has officially beaten himself at 245 rounds of this elusive card game...

...Will all people killed in last nights car wreck please report to the guidance office for questioning...

...Can you hear me now? Good!...

...Remember kids, follow the crowd. Being different is BAD! If the crowd's doing drugs, then by golly, you do them too!...

...Clean-up on aisle five! *laughs* I always wanted to say that!...

...Will I.B. Pimpin please report to the front office. Repeat, will I. B. Pimpin.. aww sh- shoot. I get it now. Very funny...

...Finally,in world news, NASA sends probe to Uranus.People every where giggle! Get it?! Funny, ain't I?!...

Actual Announcement to all of you guys: My birthday's coming up soon. April 16th... Hooray!

Yoh's dad/Ryo's sensei: Ryo! Wake up Ryo!
Ryo: *latches onto Yoh's Dad's legs* Be my ladyyyyyy...!
Yoh's Dad: Ryo... let go of my leg.
(Shaman King)

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Saturday, March 27, 2004

For those of you who didn't notice, I tokk a mini-vacation from the 'net. And now I'm back. ^^ Whee!

So much to update on... I think I'll just mention the important stuff:

1) I got an 'A' this semester in Geometry... along with my other three classes, but they're no surprise...

2) I have three people whom I can, and have, dueled with in Duel Masters...

3) I'm breaking up with my current boyfriend soon. I hate to do it, but I also hate being in a relationship when I like someone else even more...

4) And it didn't help that, for no apparent reason, my boyfriend gave me the col shouldr yesterday morning. So I gave him one right back! As says Shakespheare, "Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn!" And, boy, I made him feel down right bad...

5) Prom is next Saturday. But I can't go. I'm only a Freshman and no Junior/Senior was insane enough to take me as their date...

6)Speaking of prom, yesterday and all next week is 'Prom Promise Week' at school. Yesterday, we got free pens from Nationwide for signing the 'Prom Promise' card. XD Also, we got to see a demonstration of how long it takes resucuers to get victems out of a car wreck It was showing the effects of drinking and driving and there were real emergancy people there and they even brought in a helicopter. XD It was in the stadium and the copter landed on the feild, sending a wave of grass/hay flying over/onto us unsuspecting students. Twice over! Fun stuff, that it was.

7) Scheduling for next year is complete. My schedule:
-Honors Algebra 2
-French 1
-CP Biology
-AP European History
-Band (Yep, I'm a band junkie)
-Honors English 2
-American History 1
I wasn't suppossed to have to take AH1, but tuns out the teacher lied to us. We do. Stupid idiot.

8) Remember what I put for number three? Well, the guy I like now is Grant, the guy whorides my bus. He was making fun of me, Krista, and Kat (saying we made a perfect threesome and junk like that) and I got to play fight with him on the bus. I punched/smacked him in the shoulder a lot, hit him with my trumpet once, bit him (or at least, almost bit him), (unintentionally) nearly shoved my hand in his mouth, slammed his head into a window, and kicked him. It was fun as hell. XD

9) My neice went to the hospital yesterday because she became dehydrated and stayed overnight. She's home now. Also, my mom was at the hospital for a good portion of the day today. But she's home now as well.

And that's about it for now. I'll catch ya'll later. ^^

"I think this camera is too close." -Knight (Duel Masters)

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Tuesday, March 16, 2004

   I missed j00!
The last time I got on the 'net was Saturday. Come Sunday, our internet service (Joi) wouldn't let us connect. Well, my brother-in-law got it fixed last night, so... Now I'm back, from outerspace...

Anyways, on Saturday, Adam took us out for the day. I ended up getting the Duel Masters starter deck and a booster pack and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (Gamecube).

Duel Masters, the show and card game, rule. You should buy a starter deck. Seriously. In it you receive: 40 cards, one bonus card, two placemats, a rulebook, a mini-comic, a D-Max membership offer, AND a BOOSTER PACK. Booster packs are 10 cards. Adding in the additional pack I bought, I now have 61 cards. And it only cost me about $14.

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Monday, March 8, 2004

   Passion of the Christ- Breif Review
To begin this little review, I will tell you the only three reasons you'd want to see this film.

A) You like blood.
B) You want to see how Biblically inccorrect it is.
or C) You're Catholic (no offense to Catholics...)

At the beginning of the movie (I missed the first minute or so due to the fact the people in front of to buy tickets could'nt make up their mind about something), we see Jesus praying in the garden. Satan, in the form of a woman (OO!), comes to try to talk him out of the crusifiction. While this is happening, the three disicples with him (Peter, James, and John?), come up and watch him pray. Now, good ole Lucifer sends a snake at our friend Jesus and Christ crushes the snake's little skull into million and two peices.

Enter Judas and the soldiers sent to capture the doomed Christ. Now, Judas, unlike in the Bible, begins to have second doubts and tries to run, butthe soldiers force him along to point out his Lord.

Well, Judas kisses Jesus on the cheek and the soldiers step forward. Here begins a giant free-for-all fist-and-sword (well, dagger, rather) fight between the disciples and the soldiers. Peter hacks off one of the soldier's ear and we get our first dose of blood. Yay. Well, James and John run off, leaving poor old Peter and Jesus all alone with the enemy.

Jesus icks up the wounded soldier's ear and puts it back on. He then proceeds to tell Peter to cease his fighting and drop his weapon. Peter does so, and walks off slowly as they drag Jesus off roughly.

Now, don't think that there's little bloodshed unti lthe crucifixtion. no, the evil soldiers beat the living daylights out of our Messiah.

That's all I'm telling you in order. I don't want to spoil it for you.

But, be warned, the movie has more blood in it than some horror/murder movies and is spoken insome other language (Latin mainly, I believe), but that is translated. Oo; Also, the demons are portrayed as children, Satan is a woman for most of the movie, and there are many things Biblically incorrect.

And if you can manage to watch the movie without squirming, I applaud you.

Well, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Oo; I may have the answer.

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   I'm going to the movies...
I get to go see Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ here in a bit. I'll post a review after I get back.
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Friday, March 5, 2004

   Geez, I need to update this thing more...
I'm really slacking off. Oo;

Anywhoose, Kat and Krista aren't friends/talking anymore and if Kat says/does anything out of line around Krista, I honestly think Krista would rip her (Kat's) head off. But, Krista's still my best friend and Kat still talks to me, so Krista probably didn't tell Kat that I told. Oo; Yeeah.

Also, I've made a new friend. His name's Grant (yes, that's his real name!) and he's a fellow duelist, he evenlet me see his deck (which is awesome, by the way.). Better yet, he's played Demikids! ^^ Hooray for people who play little-known, but totally awesome games.

As for the events of the day, thus far, have been fairly boring. Except for in Science, at which time I found myself highly pissed at the teacher. Why? She handed back our mini-celebrations (A celebration is equivilant to a test in her class, so it was basically a mini-test or a quiz) from 29.1 (we skipped to the space unit after finishing the volcanoe/earthquake one) and I got a 99. Why would I be pissed off by such a great grade (I got the highest grade in the clas after all)? Well, for said mini-celebration, we had to right an essay in paragraph from explaining the life of a star. I gave a full, extremely detailed explanation and got a point taken off for not saying that the star can 'expand' into a giant/super giant! That's a load of bull if I ever smelt any! Stupid teacher...

Plus, whenever I was heading to my bus, one of my sort-of friends (guy named Jason) stopped me and asked for a hug. Well, I gave him a quick, one-arm hug and he kissed the top of my head. Oo; No joke. I let it go this time, but next time, I'm not gonna.

Thought of the moment: Buy Demikids! It rules!

Qoutable Qoute of the day:
Science teacher: The highest grade was a 99.
Jeremy (a guy): Which belongs to Renee'. What kept the genious from getting a 100?
Me: *waves hands slightly and sarcastically says* 'Expaaaaands!'

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Sunday, February 29, 2004

   It's... odd...
Earlier today, my friend Kat called me. Normally, this isn't enough of a big deal to make it to my blog, but this time was different.

See, she told me that her and Kevin (yes, the same Kevin that left her for Krista) snuck off together during lunch on Tuesday (Krista was gone getting her glasses repaired since the arm was broken) to one of the buses and that they did things. And yes, apparently it was those type of things. As she put it, "I let him touch me."

She made me swear not to tell Krista, but that's just one of those things that you have to tell about. Especially since the person it would effect the most is your best friend.

I called Krista up after supper and told her, and, lo and behold, Kevin was on the other line. Well, I told her what Kat told me and she asked Kevin about it. Kevin claims he didn't and, personally, I believe him. I'm not sure why though.

Maybe it's because I don't want it to be true because that would result in my best friend being hurt very, very badly. Or it could be the fact that Kat's been a little bitch about Kevin leaving her and has been trying to break the two up since day one. Or a combination of the two.

And I realize it's bad to go against a swear, but Krista had to know. Cause if it's true, I'd rather her find it out from me than on her own and if it's not, then she needs to know what slander Kat's throwing around about her and Kevin.

Ah, the joys of being a teenager in highschool.

Qouteable Qoute: "While you were rambling on, I spilt my glass of imaginary 'World's Greatest Fruit Juice' and had to fix myself another. *take a sip from an imagenary glass* I must agree. This really IS the world's greatest fruit juice!" -Me doing my Pegasus impression while on the phone with Kat

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Thursday, February 26, 2004

   Update for my life...
^^ I haven't typed anything about my life in a while, so all my lucky readers get to, well, read for a while.

LAST FRIDAY- ^^ Fridays are always pretty good. We had an assembly in which everyone packed into the gym to see. Talk about crowded. Anywhoose, we had to stay with our class, so I couldn't sit with any of my friends, which really, really sucks.

Back on topic, the speaker was talking about the Aloha spirit (and he wasn't Hawaiian, just so ya know) and he was extremely funny. In fact, I'll share some of it with you...

Fun stuff to do #1- When you next go to the drivethru at McDonalds (or any other fast food joint) take a kazoo with you. Then, when they ask for your order, speak through the kazoo. It sounds funny as hell.

Fun stuff to do #2: When next you go to the drivethru of McDonalds, take a sign with you that reads: 'Sorry, our speakers are broken. Please speak as loud as you can. -Ronald'. Tape the sign above the speaker and then go inside for pure comic delight as the people at the window have their ears blasted out by the imense yelling.

Fun Stuff to do #3- At Halloween, leave a fake scarecrow on your porch for a while, and let kids know it's fake. On halloween, replace yourself with said scarecrow and don't let anyone notice. Set a big bowl of candy bars on your lap and have a sign taped on your shirt that reads: 'Sorry that no one's home. Please take one candy bar.' If a kid is obediant and only takes one, leave him/her be. If they decide to be greedy... then have fun.

SATURDAY: Whoo, cartoooooons. And... yeah, cartoooooooons.

SUNDAY: I started my period and felt bad all day. And my mom got on my case because she thinks I'm not eating enough. As in, just because I don't eat breakfast, she thinks I have some sort of eating disorder. >>; <<;

Monday: Nothing too important. Well, except for the fact I had an awesomedream in which there was a lot of death and blood and junk. But, I'll post it later.

Tuesday: Nothing much. American Idol was alot better this week and Paula kissed Simon. ^^

Wednesday: Nothing much. I missed the results of AI though. And I finally posted the fic for Digimon: Cursed.

Today: I wake up to find out school's been delayed two hours. Two hours later, school's been called off and it's started to snow. I painted some flower pots with my mom, we had lunch, then she made snow-cream. Snow-cream is just icecream made from snow. It's quite delicious.

Anywhoose, It's still snowing out ther and school's already called off for tomorrow. At this rate, we may get a good foot of snow by the morning. ^^ That'll mean... no school for about a week. ><; And here I was excepting to have a Spring Break long weekend. Now, we just have Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday guaranteed off. And this snow will cost us a good little bit of our summer as well.

NOTE: Don't forget that American Idol: Uncut, Uncensored, Untalented is coming on on Monday on Fox at 8:00 PM EST. It's sure to be funny, especially since that Asian dude's gonna be on.

Thought of the moment: Damn you snow! DAMN YOU!

Qoutable qoute: "Is it a fair fight? Is this moose creature weilding any projectile weapons?" -Zim

Raunchy line of the moment: "No one can resist the power of my Millenium Rod!" -Marik

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Monday, February 23, 2004

   Test yer knowledge...
On the DPAK. ^^


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Sunday, February 22, 2004

   *Sings the DOOM song*
I spent a good two hours today listening to Invader Zim wavs today. ^^ I saved some of them and am using them for the sounds on my computer. ^^

WHERE TO FIND THE PRECIOUS ZIM: http://www.siberkat.com/zimdex.html

>This was posted 'cause I know that Deathbug would appreciate it, seeing how he's a Zim fan.<

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