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myOtaku.com: azren

Monday, February 13, 2006

Hello little people

(She updated!!)

I am just going to take advantage of this CHANCE to put something in here... pour out my feelings, laugh, cry, emote, make faces, eat, and lock myself in an isolated room to rot 'til voltures come and peck my eye out...


Advance Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!


We're going to the mountains this Friday for an exposure trip! To Dingle (And it's pronounced as ding-leh!!!!)

and there are stuff that I don't want to write down because it is strictly confidential!

Just some LITTLE spat that my friends are experiencing towards some classmates (ehem) and for me... They DON'T have a good reason not to forgive each other!! I mean, why can't people just forgive and forget and live their lives for once?? It just really makes me try and tie their toes together and hang them over the Grand Canyon and let them eat poisonous mushrooms upside down!!!

AAAARRRRGGHHH!!! Not only that, but our computer is kind of slower than a slug since it's been reprogrammed... I've just noticed SOME minor progress from it... (we have adobe 7.0!)

and yesterday... I was so upset for some personal reasons that I killed over 127 Bin Ladens when I played Binladenliquors...

Today... all those people who blinked were actually looking for a fight!!

Oh yeah! I know it's too late, but it was little Rue-kun's Birthday last month (Don't worry cuz... YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!)

And it's our grandfather's birthday 4 days from now!!

By the way... I'd just like to share some SAD things as well...

I's still updating some stories... and... If my reviewers/readers are reading this...

Thanks to for your reviews!!

SOME of whom have read the latest chapter however... did NOT review... AT ALL... not even a single "..."



Well, I'm done ranting! We still don't have Animax and I still love Kyuzo!

Carpe Diem!

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