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myOtaku.com: AyseoAydenRenewed

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

   It'sssss....AN ACTUAL POST!!!!
Since its been forever since my last post I guess I should write something of some uninteresting value.
Constantly feeling like they're holding me back. Its like mom and dad dont even want me to have a life (which is confusing because my life technically isn't mine, its a gift from God that I use to serve Him) and say that I have to do all this "family" stuff. This "stuff" never gets beyond "stuff" because everyone argues anyway and the "family time" is spent just staring at each other. I want control over my own schedule and to say where I go. To bad I'm just a kid and can't. God give me the patience and deal with this!!!
Simply can't wait until it starts again. Ha ha, Chris, I outrank you! Get a promotion!!!
Good-its been awhile since I've gone and its great to be back:)
The kids in my 7-8 group have dubbed me "Tigger" while the leaders have named me "Um-da" cuz my name was spelt wrong on my card. Its cool, the best week (so far, excluding my wonderfull cadet camp) of the summer. Too bad it ends on Friday. lol.
Since you're not going to read this and since I have to wait for YOU to say it first....

lol. so thats life.

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