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myOtaku.com: AwesomeDude898

Saturday, November 12, 2005

   And so it all ammounts to nothing...
Hey everybody. How's it going?

Things have gone to utter crap over here.
I don't want to bore you with my stupid angsty stuff, so I'll make this quick. Why does life suck right now?

-Remember that crappy "Be Safe" Blocker I got in April? Well, when my computer went down in September and was fixed a week or so later, my mom didn't put Be Safe back on. So, for the 2 weeks between getting it fixed and today, I didn't have to deal with a blocker.
But, being the kill-joy my parents are, they installed a new blocker last night. Some piece of crap called "Safe Eyes", so that right after a quick taste of freedom, they take it away again.
The blocker isn't even the worst part. The worst thing is how insulting it is. Kids my age are expected to do well in high school (or as I like to call it, the Shark-tank), learn to drive and even get jobs, but I still have to ask my mommy before I can visit a site. Apparently I'm too stupid and to ignorant to avoid or handle the smut on the web.
-Even worse, my brother is getting his Gamecube back.
For those who don't know, he was being a total turd back in May, and my parents were fuming about how things were gonna'change. Naturally, they didn't, but that's not the point. The point is, they were preparing to sell his Gamecube. But, me being the diplomat that I am, I was able to convince them to let me have it.
But now, just as I'm getting Resident Evil 4 from Josh, my parents are taking the Gamecube out of my room (meaning I basically can't play it.
-The ban on Tanner being in my room is now over, meaning he can basically use my computer whenever he pleases.

I hate it here. I feel like crying. It's just absolutely not fair.
Things were looking great for a while, and that's all gone down the drain.

All the hard work I do doesn't matter to my parents. I'm literally back to square-one with them, for no reason at all. Though they might say different they don't give me any more trust or rewards then my perverted, moronic, immature, spiteful, mean, dishonest brother.

On top of that, I'm of course getting those God-forsaken braces later this year. I'm not too happy about that.
Nobody gives a crap about how hard I try or how well I do. It's all just dust in the wind to anyone that matters. It's the start of another vicious cycle with my siblings and parents, just like the one they started back in January this year (I'm sure you all remember that).
I hate my family, and I hate how my life is going right now. It's all just utter crap.

For anyone that cares, I'll see ya' later.

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