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myOtaku.com: AwesomeDude898

Monday, October 31, 2005

   Happy Halloween!
Oh...man...last week was the most hectic week EVER!!!! @_@

Here's what our crazy teachers were assigning (and why I haven't updated since last Wednesday or so):
-First, we had several middle-term (somewhere between "long-term" and "short-term") projects to do. You know, stuff that they assign over a week or so?
That included a photography project in Art, a drawing project in English, among several others.
-Those were assigned ON TOP OF Quarterly testing, since it's the end of the first quarter. Quarterlies a basically a mini-version of semester exams. Though they weren’t half our grade, they still counted a lot.
-On top of Quarterlies, my teachers assigned a lot of their normal testing! I was studying for 2 or 3 tests A NIGHT!!! X_x
-With all that extra stuff, you'd think the teachers would at least lighten up on the home-work, right? WRONG! They assigned even more regular homework the usual!

Ugh! I'm so glad I'm finished with all of that (though I've got a Chemistry project due Monday).
Oh well, at least we've got Friday off this week. ^_^

I'm feeling a smiiiiiiiidge better then I was on my last post, if you're wondering. My family’s still a pain in the rear, Mrs. Mitchell's still being a #@*$%! (More on that later), Josh hasn't been able to do a manga-run in 4 weeks, but it's the same-old same-old.

My only comfort recently has been Resident Evil 4. *caresses game-packaging* I love you so much, yes I do.
*ahem*, anyway, if anyone's interested, I took this weekend to spend some quality-time with RE4. Right now, I'm in the castle over-looking the village that's swarming with crazed, semi-zombiefied, parasite-infected, homicidal Satanist cultists (now do you see why RE4 gets your heart racing!? :) ).
I won't spoil anything for you, but over the weekend I entered the castle, met Salazar, fought an "El Garrador" (scary!), and found out who the 'Third-party' is. I ended Saturday night with...something that happened to Luis. I won't give it away, but it was sad. (*sniff* Damn you, Saddler!)

Are any of you interested in finding out more about RE4? If you're not, I'll go ahead and stop my banter about it.
Just tell me if I start boring you to death, OK?

Alright everyone, I'll see you tomorrow.

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Resident Evil 4 is now available for PS2! Though I highly suggest the Gamecube version over the PS2 version, I understand that some of you poor souls don't have a Gamecube (you have my pity, God bless). But now, if all you have is a PS2, you'll be able to experience the bone-chilling, spine-tingling, plagas-zombie outbreak horror at the minor expense of slightly duller graphics! And to make up for that, they've added 6 new chapters where you can play as the one and only Ada Wong! THE PERFECT HALLOWEEN GIFT FOR YOURSELF!!!
Sorry, *dons Wallace accent* I'm just crackers about Resident Evil 4! ~_'

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