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myOtaku.com: AwesomeDude898

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

  Hey everybody! How's it going?

Time of Post:
Listening to: "Another Brick In The Wall", by Pink Floyd. ^.^

My English teacher must be bored or something! She was merciless with the homework that will be due Friday! (I have block-scheduling, for those who didn't know).
*sigh*, do teacher's not realize we have other stuff to do? Not only are we given homework in every other class, but I still want to have time to do something else when I get home.
First off, we're reading the lamest story ever; "The Epic of Gilgamesh". Let me tell you right now, there's nothing epic about it. We have to read 2 chapters and complete the study-guides for those chapters or it's a knife in the belly. And there's more...
Each week we have 20 or so massive spelling words (stuff you'd likely see on the SAT) that we have to write sentences for. Yes, I know, sounds like Elementary school stuff, but these sentences have to include "context-clues", meaning you have to be able to derive the meaning of the word from the sentence.
Usually it's not all that bad, but from now on the sentences have to link together to form a story, and the topic of the story is the teacher's choice! Not ours! X_x'
Ah well, the topic she chose was 'Halloween', which means I'm technically allowed to write about zombies! Loquacious, sanctimonious and desiccated zombies, of course. Needless to say, it'll still be a stretch. XD

Alright, that's enough of me pissing about my homework. Now on to something fun.

Speaking of zombies, guess what I got from Josh the Saturday before last!

...wait a minute, what did I get again?

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Oh yeah! I got...*drum-roll*...Resident Evil 4! \^o^/ It is a FREAKIN' AWESOME game!!! Oooh man, I have never played a game that's gotten my pulse going that fast! (Hey, a 300 lb. man with a potato-sack over his head coming at you with a chainsaw gets your pulse going)
Has anyone else played this gem of a game? If you have, don't spoil anything about it for me!
I'm not very far yet. The Saturday I got it I got to the Cemetery and old church. Then this Saturday, I went through the swamp, fought Del Lago (fun boss!), and then the El Gigante. Well, right after that I got mauled to death by Plagas-Cyotes, but oh well, them's the breaks.

If any of you are curious about the game, I'd be happy to post some info.

OK everybody, I'll visit your sites later tonight, okey-doke?
Oh, and please check out yesterday's post if you haven't already.

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