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Friday, April 14, 2006

   Poem: The Easy Life
Ahh. A normal day off.
Chilin at the house.
Im not that angry, so theres no flame to douse.
I remember the old days
When life was so easy.
Now people think, Im just cheesy
Why cant I go back?
Nothing would please me more
Than to have it easy
Get my old life back
Just to have it easy
Then I wont be sad
But I know that life just aint easy
Thats something I understand
But I have another wish
I wish I couldnt land
From my fall
From cloud 9
Just keep my rhymes with me
Then I would be fine
Ok, stop dreamin
Because has a reason
To be hard
To hurt you
I gets you ready for what you need to do
But every once in a while
I think about the easy life
Ahh. Damn it feels good

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Thursday, April 13, 2006

   Help!! Can someone do me a favor???+Zion City Pt.1
Hey guys. As You can tell, I found a good bg for my new Wolfs Rain theme, but no avi! I NEED HELP!!! If someone could help me find an avi, I would be so grateful. Zion City today. Plz Enjoy.

Zion City Chapter 1:
Why does it have to begin like this??

“Craaaaap, its time to get up.” Ry moaned. “Why?? This is bull. IT’S MY BIRTHDAY AND I STILL HAVE TO GO TO WORK, FOR MY AUNT!!!” He moaned and got out of bed. Ry or Rylan is a 16 yr old teen, just trying to get through life and become a world class martial artist.
*knock, knock*
“Ry, get up. You still have to work. Don’t think just because you’re my nephew, you can have the day off.” Aunt Naomi said, slightly impatient-like. Ry had just woken up from the most wonderful dream he had dreamt in a while; a date with one of his neighbors, Rachael Kurada. Ry walked across the hallway to his bathroom as sunlight crept into his room. Ry had dreads, blue eyes, and the beginning of a goatee. He was an athletic martial artist who sometimes couldn’t keep his temper. Ry started to brush his teeth as his aunt walked by. Aunt Naomi was black, like Ry, wore her long hair in a pony tail and was 34. She was already dressed in a purple shirt and jeans. Her ivy green eyes were focused on Ry for a minute. “Wow, you’re beginning to look a lot like your father. Even the same body type.” Ry stopped brushing his teeth, his blue eyes shinning with gratitude. “Thanks. I always wondered if I would ever look like him.” Ry said as he finished brushing his teeth and washed his face. “I always thought Marcus was more like him.” Marcus was Ry’s older brother and had disappeared at the age of 15; 4 years ago. Naomi walked up to Ry and put her hand on his shoulder. “Marcus was the spitting image of your father, but I think he would agree that you look even more like him.” Ry looked away. “I don’t think Marcus would care. He would just be disappointed at my attempts at being like Dad.” Ry scratched his head and walked around his aunt to his room. He stopped at the door. “Wait, wasn’t there a wire problem by the Café, which made that area kinda dangerous?” He asked his aunt. “Yea, but the problem was taken care of. We can open up.” Naomi walked to the door. “I’m leaving now to check on things. You go get the Kuradas.” She said as she walked out the door and drove away. Aunt Naomi is the owner of the quaint little café, the Café Jazze. I work there with Rachael and her bro Yuntaro, or Yun. I shrugged my shoulders and got dressed. I wore a Tupac (R.I.P) shirt, some blue jeans, some Nikes, and some fingerless gloves to cover up the scars from martial arts training. At that moment I heard a knock at my balcony door. The balcony runs around the bedrooms, which are all in the back. Yun, like the acrobat he is, jumped from his balcony to mine. Yun had brown scraggly hair, bound by a rubber band and brown eyes. He is Asian/American. He was wearing some blue jeans, a green muscle shirt, and some tennis shoes. “Yo, birthday boy. Let me in.” Yun said through the glass. I didn’t let him in, but I stepped out. “Wow, you look happy. That’s a change.” Yun said as I stepped out. “Yea, I guess. So where is Rach?” Ry asked. “She’s getting ready for that traitor Romeo Valentine’s big concert” Yun said in a tired voice. Ry’s birthday high fell fast when he heard this. “Oh yea, that fag traitor. What the hell does she see in that guy that she doesn’t see in m-……..?” Ry stopped before finishing. Yun had a sly look on his face. “Were you about to say in YOU??” Ry turned away and muttered “Maybe. Why do you care?” Yun looked shocked. “WHY DO I CARE?? BECAUSE SHE’S MY SISTER!! THAT’S WHY!!” Ry faced him in anger. “OH! SO YOU DON’T TRUST YOUR BEST FRIEND?? YOU RATHER ROM THE PERVERT DATE HER??!!” “NO! I RATHER NEITHER OF YOU DATE HER!” Yun answered. Ry was disgusted. “Fine. Whatever, just go tell her its time for work.” Ry said and walked away, leaving Yun on the balcony for a minute. Yun back flipped onto his balcony and waited for Rachael. Ry went down to his garage after locking the doors. “What a jerk. Yun doesn’t even trust his best friend.” Then Ry tapped on his garage lock twice and waited. “Ahh. It’s so easy to do this.” He said in satisfaction, his mood changing. Inside the garage, Ry’s self built motorcycle stood. It could travel on any terrain, even water and air. “Thank you technology.” Ry said as he hopped on his motorcycle. Besides being a fighter, Ry was a local mechanic. Ry looked for Yun and Rach and found out that they had already left. Then he looked to the right and saw the beautiful ocean, shining as bright as a 100wat light bulb. “Oh well. If the roads are too busy, I’ll take to the ocean.” The hubcaps moved into a horizontal position and as the wheels moved, the wheels and hubcaps created an energy that lifted the cycle off the ground. “Let’s go Hellfire!” Ry screamed as the cycle took of for the ocean. The cycle jumped over the railing and dropped down stopping just before splashing into the water. The cycle levitated for a moment, and then Ry took off in the direction of the highway and work. As he sped beside the highway Ry screamed in victory. “Wahoo! It works! Yun is gonna be so jealous when he sees this!” Ry stopped, his mood getting darker. “Damn, I acted like a fool. I need to apologize when I get to the ca--” “Ry??!!” Yun shouted, surprised. Ry looked up at Yun and Rach on the highway, looking at him wide-eyed.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

   Site Changes+ Zc mini story
Hey everyone. I cant wait for skool to be over tomarrow. Why?? MY WEEKEND STARTS!!!! I might not do a KH2 pic till I get better at drawing. Im thinking about changing my site to Wolfs Rain. Its a really powerful series. I'll post Zion City over the weekend. But for right now, this is a mini story that goes with I pic I will post soon.

Zc mini story: Girly Hair

Ry, older bro Marcus and his twin sis Maria chillin at the pier.

Ry: Ahh the sea breeze feels good blowing through my dreads (dreadlocks)

Marcus: Heh heh. Girly hair!! Haha!!

Ry: What!!! Dont diss the hair!!

Maria: Hehe. It is kinda girly, but the girls in my class think its kinda cute. *puts chin on lil bro's head* Plus it feels good.

Marcus: Maria is right. All the girls do like it, even the girl I like.

Ry: *smirk* Jealous that the girl you like thinks i look cute, bro??

Marcus: *pissed* Not really. She still likes me. Plus what would Rach think if she heard you right now???

Ry: *wide eyed stare* OH CRAP!! I GOT A DATE TO GET TO!!!

Maria: You JUST remembered?? Smooth, lil bro.

Ry: *takes off* Seeya at the house!!!

Marcus: GIRLY HAIR!!!!!! HAHAHA!!!

Ry: *flicks off bro, and runs out of sight*

Maria: You just have to make fun of him, huh??

Marcus: Yep. He's my lil bro. Its my job! *smirk and takes off*

Maria: *sighs heavily* Whatever.

Maria stayed at the pier to think about her life and love interest. Who is it??? Ask me. I'll tell you. Just ask.

O daiji ni!!!

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

   Aww MAN!!!+ Reason
Aww MAN!!! My friend wants his KH2 game back tomarrow. I wont be able to finish it! Atleast i'll be able to (hopefully) beat the next boss or two. I probably wont get the game for a looooong time. Oh well. Yesterday, some one asked why I couldnt put my Sora pic in the fan art section. My answer: THE OTAK WONT ACCEPT IT, WHICH REALLY SUX!!!! AWW MANN!!!!! Well, that all I really have to say, so ttyl!

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Monday, April 10, 2006

   A small Hiatis+GUESS WAT??!!
Hey guys. I'm back from my small (very small) hiatis. Not a lot has happened. Had to do a lil cleaning, got the newest shonen jump, and found out that I only have 4 days of skool this week. Next subject. Theres one more thing that happened this weekend. IM BORROWING KINDOM HEARTS 2 FROM A FRIEND AND AM HALF WAY THROUGH!!!! (I THINK) Its a really good game. Im at The Land Of Dragons for the second time, right after the 1,000 heartless battle. Ahh, what a good battle. The water guitar guy was a pain, and The Pride Lands was cool. I cant wait to play after i finish my homework. Oh, yea, JD, stop bugging Mir, or I'll slap the taste out ur mouth. Well, thats all I have to say, so ttyl!
P.S. I will be posting my story Zion City by the end of the week. Past readers, expect a few changes. And thanks for the Comments on my KH1 pic. Workin on one for KH2.

O daiji ni!!!

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Wednesday, April 5, 2006

   Hey Guys
Hey guys. Hows it going?? Today I dont have much to say, but i do have a pic. Its Sora frm KH1. plz comment

Image hosting by TinyPic

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Monday, April 3, 2006

   100 visits! Even faster the second time around!
Hurrah! I have 100 visit! It took so much longer last time! Oh thank you, my friends! Im so happy! You guys rock! Now for someting a lil annoying for me. Today, my fav cousin sent me a message telling me he got KH2! Also, a good friend of mine also got the game! WHY!!!! Oh well. I still need 2 beat the shit out of Marluxla in the final 2 boss battles. Well, thats all I have to say 4 today. ttyl
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Sunday, April 2, 2006

   Kingdom Hearts CoM
Hey everyone. Its been a pretty boring. After hearing alot about KH2 I decided to pick up Chain of Memories and tried to finish it up before getting KH2. I finally beat Fake Riku once and for all. I also took care of Axel and Larxene. Only Marluxla remains. That jackass iz hard! Listening 2 both the english and japanese version of the theme song and watching the commercial 4 KH2 got me sooo hyped! Can someone whos beat CoM give me a hint on how 2 beat Marluxla? Also, check out the post below plz
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Saturday, April 1, 2006

Hey everyone. I bet alot of you are watching Castle in the Sky, like me. Its a really good movie. I had a dream once. It was kinda based on Castle in the Sky. Everything was black and white and I was trapped in a room, in a floating castle. The locked door suddenly opened and I walked out. I looked out of a hole in the building, and heard a voice say to me this: "If you fall, your freedom will be true, but if you cower, you will be trapped forever." So wat did I do? Well, I jumped. I jumped and fell. The fall felt so good......... Then I woke up. Im also very happy because Mir has returned!!! Im so happy, oh so happy. Ahhh, it feels soo damn good. Alright, next topic. KH2. Yesterday I downloaded Passion, the KH2 theme song in japanese, and today I downloaded Sanctuary, the KH2 theme song in english. THANK YOU KHINSIDER.COM!!!! I really hope I can get KH2, but first I should finish CoM, or just find the ending video on youtube.com. Heh heh heh. Well, the pain in my arm still hasnt ceased. Earlier it was throbbing like crazy. Damn it hurt. Well, thats really all I have to say. Ttyl, my friends.
O daiji ni!!!

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Friday, March 31, 2006

All Good Things Must Come To An End
Awww man! Its friday, which means my spring break iz just about over! Well, it was ok while it lasted. Today I had my TB shot looked at. Im negative, which iz a good thing. I did some other stuff with my dad. "Call Me, Call Me" iz such a good song. I'll be moving into my new house in a month, which I cant wait to do. At the hospital on Wednesday, I saw a FMA fan. How do I know she was an FMA fan?? She was wearing a FMA shirt, which looked cool. Im thinking about changing my theme soon. If you cool otaks have any idea what it should be, plz tell me. Im thinking about posting Zion City, my story, on the otak again, but I need someone to proofread it. Can someone plz voulunteer?? I while ago I saw this hella funny vid, so today I have it for u guys. "Living in the Fridge" + Cowboy Bebop. Enjoy.

O daiji ni!!
Ry-kun, tha artist

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