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myOtaku.com: Artemis

Friday, July 2, 2004

   heebie jeebies...
Good Morning everyone, it's about 5:30. Here's my story...
I'm lying down trying to sleep. I've just been having a weird dream about trying to save a family from a house that haunted or something weird like that. At some point, I open my eyes, because I'm looking at my clock. Suddenly, (because of the stupid bright light on my stereo) I can see a figure standing next to bed walking near me. I start freaking out (in my head) for a moment, but then think 'it's mom'. The figure's saying something like, "We need you to help more." I start trying respond with, "what d'ya want me to do, mom?" I'm trying to wake myself up enough to talk to her, and suddenly the person disappears...freaky...especially since my door never opened. That would have woken me up in the first place (if it'd been mom) since I'm a pretty light sleeper. So, I got pretty freaked about all this, and decided I couldn't stand to lie in bed staring into the semi darkness... *hugs kagami* That was so weird... I'm sure it was just a product of me being not quite awake yet, but still... *shudders*
*sighs* Let's post about happier things...
I saw SpiderMan2 yesterday. It wasn't bad. *shrugs* All of the CG SpiderMan kinda annoys me. I get really sick of watching it. That's my main issue w/ the look of the film. The plot is also...hmmm...I don't know...overly depressing? With the constant 'we can't be together' thing and everything always going wrong for Peter, it gets kinda old after awhile. But, since some people haven't seen it yet, I won't put any spoilers in here. Couple of things to watch for: (1) The dagger Harry uses (I'm not giving anything away, since it was in the previews.)- It's the EXACT same dagger my friend bought at the Renaissance Faire when we were in Colorado. Kinda crazy, huh? It's a $20 dagger!!! (2) The play MJ's in- The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. It was a big deal for my friends and me b/c it's one of our favorite movies. (Colin Firth, Rupert Everett, Reese Witherspoon, Dame Judy Dench, etc.) MJ plays the role of Cecily. (very fitting if you know the movie/play.) What really cracked us up was watching the credits. Near the end of the cast list, you see "Algernon Moncrieff" "John Worthing" (not sure if I spelled the last names right) amongst the character list. They're the only ones in 'quotes', since they're characters from the play. If you haven't seen The Importance of Being Earnest, you really need to. However, you have to listen to it. Most of the humor is in the dialogue.
Also, last night, we went over to duo's house and watched The Who's Tommy....talk about weird...There was stuff I understood, stuff that made sense, and then...there's was a lot of stuff that didn't... All in all, I can only describe it w/ the word "interesting." *shakes head* It's one of those random movies my dad really wanted me to see. *shakes head again*
You know? This is probably getting too long. I'll see everyone later. When gets lighter outside, I'll try going back to sleep... *grins sheepishly*

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