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myOtaku.com: ArchangelRayne

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

   This is Madness?
Madness is a strange word. Pick it apart- it sounds angry- violent- deep and awful- the mire of confusion associated with madness fits the word. Madness on Christmas day? The day of our Lord is not to be befouled in such a way; it is a time of lambs and of birth and of silent nights proclaiming the heavenly immaculate conception and the virgin birth and so on, madness has no place in the sanctity of this day! Yes, yes I have heard as much. In whispered tones I have heard this much and much, much more.

I'm sleep deprived, I'm weary headed and bleary-eyed, and here I type about madness.

It's the kind of madness that can break a drunken man into tears on this- the holiest of holy days; it is the kind of mad love-lust that can send a fourteen year old girl text-sexing her boyfriend under the Douglass fir; it is the kind of madness that turns the cookie-laden grandmother hands to shut the door on her young charge. Christian empathy my ass- tell it to someone who doesn't know better.

This is madness, and if it is so then I will venture to the edge of my sanity to meet it and t spit in its eye. I will empty myself of reason and in so doing will gain clarity- if nothing else.

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