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myOtaku.com: ApprentiWizzard

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hey how has every one been. Me, well, worried. Lets start from the begining of this week. Monday, acwardness at my lunch table. *nerviosly shaking at the keybord* Thing were let out at the lunch table. Three of my friends had been raped when they were younger and two of my friends are bi.. Teusday night I had told one of my friends, Fluffy-Fox to be ecact(who is one of my friends that are bi), that i was bi. Yes big shock. I'e know for six months, and now have the courage to tell my friends. Wendsday I had had told my friends Aya, Anna, and my co-worker April that i was bi, and that night I wrote a letter to my Friend V (he is also bi, and was one of my friends that was raped when he was younger) how i felt about him and asked him out. At lunch I found out he was going to right a reply to what i wrote. At RPG culb I told my friend Bunny-chan that i was bi. That night I was so nervous about what he was going to write that i did not get to sleep until 4 in the morning. Friday, yesterday, I gave him som poetry that I wrote about my feelings for him and a t lunch i got his reply. He needs time to get to know me and has "scars that run deep". I feel that he was hurt deeply in a past relationship that he does not want to hurt me. I want to help heal those scars. Time can only do so much. All I am asking from you guys is any advice that I can use to help him.

P.S. The last tree night I have not been able to get a lot of sleep. worrying about him. Just to let you guys now.


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