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myOtaku.com: aoshislover

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Is your child ready for Jeff Co?
I had to change my avatar. I was having a major guilt trip thing. Oh well.

Last night was really fun. Youth group is AWESOME. Ah, if you live in New York I dont care how far away you live you need to come here! Wheeeeeeee. Ok, so last nights message was the second part to the series we're doing called "Surviving to Win" (Pastor Brian rawks the sawks >:0 !) So last week was, "Know your goal", and this week was, "Know Your Enemy" Oh man I would love to type out all my notes from

that but hmmm Maybe I will?....

Sunday Night Rock
Pastor Brian Grow
Surviving to Win Part Two

Know Your Enemy!
1 Peter 4:8

Be alert
3 Keys to sucessfully beat your enemy :
1) Know which way he's coming
Surpirse is a strong ally

[Side note :
Three Things About The Devil
1)He's not a myth
2)He's not a philosophy
3) "He doesn't care about you" FALSE! ]

How he's coming :
1) He works through people (Ei. Gossip)
2) Comes through innocence (Ei. Reading horoscopes for fun)
3) Disobediance
His goal is to turn you from God. Where or what you turn to he doesn't


2) Know his weapons!
1) Doubt
2) Blame
3) Fear
4) Confusion
5) Offense
6) Anger/Rage
7) Jealousy
8) Pride
9) Lust/ Sexual Temptations
10) Apathy/Laziness

3) Know HOW he likes to attack
1) Attacks on Moutnain sides (When you're coming down from a

great expierience, and about to enter trials)
2) When you're angry
3)Through innocence
4) Attacks the strong
5) Attakcs the Prideful

James 4:7 ".....Sumbit to God..."

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