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myOtaku.com: angieanime

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

well i haven't been here in a while. sorry about that. i was.... sleeping. the meds the doctors put me on made me soooo sleepy and dizzy. so when i went on the computer i could only stay on for like 2 minutes or so before i would get dizzy. it's sad really. i'm not sure but i think i have a dry socket. my dad thinks so too. it's hurting my left side of my jaw up to my ear -_-;; well i went to school today. i missed yesterday.... school was painful i was so dizzy too T.T darn those meds. well i can open my mouth wider now, but i still hurts. and i still have to eat soft food. i think i look like a chipmunk but not alot of people really noticed O.o well i'm working on a biology extra credit thing that gives me 10 point on my mid-term grade which is huge and i really need it. :P i want an A in the class. don't know about getting to sites today... sorry i'm getting dizzy again. took the meds just before i came on and now they are kicking in T.T dam* i still have to work on e.c.
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