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myOtaku.com: angieanime

Thursday, February 1, 2007

i haven't been here in a while well anyway i have some BIG news!!!!! IT'S SNOWING!!!! finally after like 2 years it's snowing!! i'm happy!!! i hope it snow's tommarrow too. not only because i love yuki(snow) but because my social studies teacher said if we could make it snow on thursday and friday and make school out than we get 10 points extra credit on our test!!hehehe oooo ya on sunday it was my birthday and i got an mp3. had to pay for it with my own money.... i'm almost broke now. all i have left is my change. and my saving only left me with 1 dollar T.T well no school today. and i hope the power doesn't short out or nothing. :P well that's about it ^-^ oooo and i think my layout is the complete opposite of my conditions lol.

1. is it snowing where you live?
2. are you broke?
3. you like my new layout?


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