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myOtaku.com: Angel of Pig

Monday, September 19, 2005

To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed.

generated by sloganizer.net

I remember hearin' this somewhere befores...

A part of you has grown in me.
And so you see,
It's you and me,
Together forever and never apart,
Maybe in distance,
But never in heart.

Commencing the journey through my boring life! Population... 7... >__> brain cells. Hah.

Woke up at 3am today for some odd reason... it didn't phase me though, so I quickly used the litterbox, as I thought that was the reason why I had arisen, and got back in my bed... BUT I COULDN'T FALL ASLEEP AGAIN! So, basically, I just thought about stuff for three and a half hours and stared at my ceiling. There was some nice thinking in there though, and there was still the hug. I think I'll be able to go through the day normally on just three hours of sleep, or atleast, I've been able to do so already.

This background color is shitty... meh shall change it when I get the chance. I just don't like it, clashes, maybe something more green to go with the text.
Sorreh, I'm an artist at heart you know! Must make it look gewd.

School is irrrrritating, hehe, irrrrritating, that's how a kitty would say it, if kitties could talk. But anyway, school and band... jeesh, I think dealing with the school part alone would be alright. Add homework and you're pushing it, especially with the amount I get, then add band and you've got a recipie for cHaOs. I mean, if I really had no life, nothing else to do in my day, I'm sure balancing everything would be a piece o' cake... but I'd also be sad if ma life was that empty. *sniff* Oh well, I don't have to worry about that, 'cuz that's where the Banana comes in! Hahaha, silly Banana. I love the Banana, and I'm pretty sure the Banana loves me. Love's a funny thing, it makes you and say stuff you never normally would. Psssh, I'm sexy. Hahahaha. We talked about friendship a bit in English class today because it was a main part of a story we just read. I think friendship's a lot like love, they don't seem that different to me anyway. Maybe love's just a deep form of friendship combined with some other stuff. You gotta have that chemistry thing too, I think that's part of the thing that makes you go "Gawd, ____ [insert name here] is sooo smexy." Teh Nick is smexy... oo la la *wink* Hahaha, I'ma gonna love 'im forevar.

Monday... it's almost like a second sunday! except you're a bit more tiredish... Hahahaha, every day, I always wake up feeling like crap, but by the end of the school day, I'm all hyper and spazzy 'cuz it means I'm reeeeally close to talking to Nick!! I purdy much spend the entire day going on the fact that I have 'im to talk to!

I talk about Nick a lot o__o Hahahah.

I saw the moon this morning, and all last night. It was really bright where I live, dunno 'bout you guys. It was kinda hardish for me to go to sleep too, it was like the sun was still out O___O!! It made me think about Nicholas a lot, hehehe. There's somethin' about the Moon... maybe 'cuz it's like the sun, but it's not as bright as the sun... and it's out in space! *points* that place is biiig.

Weird things are discussed in health class... WHY DO THE BABIES HAUNT ME?!? Pffft, I wanna have Nick's baby.

Biology goes by way too fast... does that mean it's fun?

For some reason, I don't like doing math homework unless it's at school... perhaps that's why I procrastinate on it so much. Bleh... I get a lot done in the class though, 'cuz my teacher only teaches for like, 20 minutes... >____>


Incase you wonder what goes on in band... or atlest, my squad, here's some examples. Yes, we're messed up.

Nick: I've got a new name for this squad.
Lauren: What?
Nick: Squad fucking retard
Ari: hehe...
Nick: You don't seem to keen on the name, Ari.
Ari: No, it's awesome... who's the retard?
Lauren: *points at Nick*
Nick: *teh finger* fuck you Lauren.

Dave: Ari, you look so black today.
Ari: <____<
Dave: Okay, maybe black wasn't the right word, ghetto.
Nick: No, she looks white.
Ari: <-- understands how the black and white cookie feels

Nick: Dave, I've got a new name for our squad.
Dave: Oh? What is it?
Nick: Squad fucking retard.
Dave: We should just call it squad Ari.
Ari: -___-
Dave: No, I mean, you're not a retard, but you are the life of the squad.
Ari: Pssssh, thanks.

Dooon't ask. Hmm, Friday should be funnish though, we're doing a combined show with the other band because one of our former band instructors took a job offer over there to become Head Band Director, 'cuz the head dude gets lotsa more money.

Homework!! Hehe, this is only the stuff I procrastinated on too, meaning, it's due tomorrow. Got a shitload of stuff for Wednesday and Thursday too.
English: Write letter
Adv. Alg.: 2-1:8-15; 2-2: 6-15; WS; LM 2-3


*hug* I love you Nick!!

... how should I know?

“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts

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