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myOtaku.com: Angel of Pig

Friday, September 9, 2005

Hmm... butterfly...

generated by sloganizer.net

Okay, well...
here's the entry for today!

-I got a 47/50 on a speech... which I'm kinda upset with, argh, A-... that sucks... *attacks something*
-Stood in the middle of the hallway and looked like a dumbass while spinning around two times looking for a painting of a tree because I went to the bathroom and got lost o__o... TT___TT
-We were talking about gravitationally challenged people... >___> like me.
-Offered to be payed monies for typing up ma groups biology report, o' course, I could never take money from someones @___@
-Got papers back in accelerated world history, wee! I'm doin' purdy good in that glass so far, even though it's only been threeish weeks... wow, has it really been that long?... yeah... 64/65 total points!! That's like, A+! *dance*
-Gonna be saddish and boredish tomorrow, 'cuz the Banana will be off doin' somefin'. >< You guys better try to keep me company O__O I'LL BE SO LONELY!!!! Kabu and turnip minions, assemble!!
-Brother went back to colleges today, yessss. More computer time for me. And more food... because strangely, the amount of food at my house disappears twice as fast as normal when he's here... he's not realleh fluffy or anyfin', it's quite the opposite, he's fit... weight lifts and used to run cross country... *jealous* I didn't get the cool genes that make me have lean muscles from both ma parents combined! *points at tummy* >< Probably 'cuz I got that long lost kitty gene... I think if I didn't have it I'd look more like him, hehe. Oh well, I'd rather be a fluffy kitty anyway... *fluffy*

Song changed again, maybe for only a day or two... depends, 'cuz I likes ma other one a lot too!

... how should I know?

“Never pretend to love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” - - Alan Watts

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