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Monday, August 16, 2004

   By the way...

We buried our fish in our backyard, and made tombstones, but I think that the ants have already started feasting.

Keep Smiling. ^_______________^
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   Our fish died.


Well, today I woke up to our sister screaming, Mother, look at our fish, it's dead! <--My older sister that is--> And so I got up and went down...
So, our eleven year old and two year old fish died. :( The two year old fish was named Dumb, very sad we know, and was broken yesterday night.
Yesterday night, Dumb's spine was like split in half or something. And we thought that he'd be fine. My brother and sisters teased me and said it was my fault. x3 That was because I wondered what would happen if we put an ice cube in the fish tank. My older sister said that they'd just stop moving and it was okay. So I put an ice cube in. Of course, I'd like to remind you that I know fish are cold blooded.
Okay, anyways, so the next day we find our fish broken and DEAD. :O:O:O And our other fish broken also, Webster, the one who's 355 days younger than I, well, something like that. Anyhow, So it was sad.
I hope our runty fish is still alive by the time we get home. Did you know that fish salivate when they stay dead in an aquarium? :O:O:O
Anyhow, so we wasted the day away, slaving over our ancient Nintendo 64 game, Snowboard Kids.
That was my day.

Keep Smiling. ^_______________^
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Saturday, August 7, 2004


About Yesterday, well, let's start on Thursday. Yay, Thursday. Okay, so, on Thursday, I went over to my buddy's house, Ladeeknite, and slept over. Oddly enough, we stayed up till three talking about a subject rather personal. So I don't know if I could mention it or not. x3 I'm joking, we were talking about our buddies, and junk like that. Anyhow, so we went swimming the next day, but we were planning to watch Hidalgo and Thirteen Going on Thirty. A lot of people told me that TGoT was really good, but I haven't watched it yet still. And our parents and others, are very party-like people. But we haven't had one in ages, because everyone was doing something during summer, and when there's a party, it's like thirty or forty people there. So a family or more can make a big difference. x3 Anyhow, the parents kareoke, while the little people play junk, and the older people chill. Anyhow, so one of the parents got really bored because there's no parties going on, so he's like, screw it, I'm not waiting for a party. Party at my house on Saturday. As in today, so today there's a party. ^^ Yay! Anyhow, so there's a new song up there *points*. I hope you all like it. And I hope it brings back memories of the beloved movie. I'm trying to learn how to play the song at the moment, but my attempts are fruitless, sigh. Anyhow, I have the song stuck in my head, and I love it. Yay! Okay, so I just finished two big bowls of ice cream, so my post might sound really stupid because I just want to go do something instead of lounge around on the computer. Anyhow, Happy Beloated Birthday, Ladeeknite!! ^^ It was yesterday. Yayyy!
Blow out the Candles.

Keep Smiling. ^_______________^
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004

   Hi everyone!

So today, I'm in a good mood. You know why? No? Well, that's because I slept well today! I actually slept! :O

Keep Smiling. ^_______________^
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Monday, August 2, 2004

   Just Wondering.

Does anyone here go to Herman? ^^"

Keep Smiling. ^_______________^
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Was there anybody besides me, that was shocked to realize this site is only one year old? I thought it must've been at least three to be so amazing! God, xanga's like what, fifteen billion? Dude, I'll bet my money, that this was way better compared to when Xanga started. o.o Woah...One year old. So, Congrats you guys!

Keep Smiling. ^_______________^
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   And By the Way...

King Arthur, was a waste of my money.

Keep Smiling. ^_______________^
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Sunday, August 1, 2004

   By the way...

Yay August! ^^

Keep Smiling. ^_______________^
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I don't feel like writing much, but I did come back and I did say that I'd be on more. I guess that's a nono. ^^" My mom's giving me homework now, and school's gonna start. I wonder when Jennifer is going to give back that piano book. I told her to give it back three days after I leave. o.o It's been a month. Oh well. Anyhow, Taipei was fun! I love the night market, so much of everything! ^^ Everything is so clean now, because my mom cleaned our room. But I find these flies so I'm kind of scared to sleep. ^^" Okay, so I'm putting pictures up soon. And I'll talk more later. God, I'm sleepy. Don't you hate it how people compare you with other people? In my case, whenever people do, I sound like I'm not good enough to do a certain thing. For example, I'm not very coordinated. My eye-hand relationship is very bad. I can't throw. I can't catch. And I can't play instruments. I can't play sports. And I have a tendency to drop things. And over at Taiwan, this little guy who can speak Chinese better than I can, expects me to know like a billion words. I got really mad at him once because he's like, Why's your Chinese so bad? God, so in English, I explained why, and he couldn't understand a word I said. And I'm like, heck yeah, I told you. But now I realize how evil that is. But he really got me mad, it just made me feel good to let me know I'm good at something. He's only a first grader and probably isn't used to a foreigner, but I haven't been around one of those for a long time.
Anyhow, when I get ticked off, I try to bottle it inside. I usually keep it on a low profile, but when I explode, duck for cover. I don't think any of my friends saw me explode before, but that's probably because they're all so cool. Including you guys. Thanks.
Ah yes, by the way, I think I've gotten girlier at Taiwan. I like shopping now. O.O Okay. It's like three. So I sleep. 'Night.

Keep Smiling. ^_______________^
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Yessirs, we are fweeh at last. My sister got better, but she still can't eat anything but ricey soup. Mushy rice soup. Anyhow, my aunt asked us if we wanted to go to school or sleep in. And my sister said sleep in. I said school. But I went back to sleep and when I woke up it was 9:30, the time we usually pick up to go to school. ^^" eh heh. So I had to stay in ,too. I finished my book! Well, my sister's okay book. It's not terrible. It's just crazy and wacked up. That's alright. x3 So how're you all today? I feel great. x3

Keep Smiling. ^_______________^
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