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myOtaku.com: Adia

Thursday, July 20, 2006

   EJ Called Me Crazy
Well its almost 7 in the morning.

Im here at ultimatelifeforms house waiting for my mom to come and pick me up.

Its cause she wants to take me to work with her so she can get done faster cause appartently she is going to have a LONG day today.

She called earlier around 6 but i did some moping she said i could stay. But then i felt guilty, called her back and said i changed my mind.

Another reason i did is cause if i would stay i would have had to walk home around 12 cause of my dog (in this heat...i would have to put him in the garage)

So i thought about it...and i really didnt feel like walking back home in the extreme heat.

Well im just sitting here, begining to wake up.
My mom is stoping before work at BK to get food. Amazing.

So hopefully she gets me an energy drink...cause i really need one @_@

Well appartently we have to wait longer with the x ray results. *sighs* such suspense. I hate it. @_@

Alright my mom just pulled up so tootles.

PS: EJ called me crazy cause i was up at around 7 getting my things together after getting about 2 to 3 hours of sleep and she had woken up and called me crazy @_@

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