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myOtaku.com: Addsapaz

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

OMG! Today, I was just sittingin class, waiting for the day to start, when all of a sudden, a boy, named Andy Engel, was all sugar high! He was rapping, singing, laughing REALLY hard, and I could've sworn that I heard him cuss a few times. It might not matter to some of ya, but he is in the 6th grade, and he's cussin' outloud in home room. He even brought loads of candy! He ate a whole mini pack of M&M's minis all at once, and he wouldn't sit for five seconds!

Oh, and speaking of Halloween candy, I went trick-or-treating yesterday with my three friends Brittney (Edward Elric fan), Kelsey (Kelsey Welsey), and Jordan. We all got tons, and tons of candy! I just know that I'm never gonna eat it all, though... oh well!

Welp, if you have some interesting Halloween story of some sort, tell me in the comment thingamajig, okie? Thanks for reading!

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