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myOtaku.com: Egill Hobob

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Mornin. This is the same old Egill Hobob. I just needed a new edge. My old account was a trial and error account to get the hang of the site. So i am sorry to all those people who commented on it and wrote in my guest book. My site is always open for people to view. So enjoy your stay. I know i will.

98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

   And you all thought i was gone
Would you believe it? I'm not dead! Just busy as hell. Yeah, i know, i havn't been on here for SOOOOOOOO long. But it's ok now. I think i've left enough time for people i don't really care for to lose intrest. So now i'm back. I don't how long for. Depends on what happens.

Good news! I have a girlfriend! And no, i don't mean the girlfriend i used to have. She's with who she should be with and that aint me. I've got a new girlfriend. Well, mabye not that new. Two months. Is that new? I guess not. Well I've got an old girlfriend! No not old as in age. Though she is a year older then me......

Well, anyway, she's great. Been busy with her a lot. Doing stuff and so on and so forth. I'm sorry to anyone who i have just stopped commenting to. My computer has decided that the comment area "cannot be accessed". I've still been looking around every now and then to keep up with everyone. I just havn't been able to comment and i havn't dared post. But i'm not stupid. Nameing names will get me in trouble. So lets just call them "the unmentionables".

Finished the Golden Age performances for theatre. They were great stuff. Its a shame most of you don't live in Australia let alone Doncaster. I'm sure you would have enjoyed it. It was about a bunch of inbred retards. Most of them die as well as a few others. Lots of fun. Great play. Now that thats over we will be starting our monologues. Theres a few there i like and i'll do some background checks on them too see which i'll decide to do for my exam.

At the moment, i'm caght up writting a play. Our school is split up into four "houses" and every two years they hold a drama contest to see which house is best. I'm writting the script for my house. Should be good.

Well dinnes sereved. I'll speak again later! Bye bye!

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